About Us

Hello, My name is Eric Osterberg and I’m a Cyber Security professional. I hold a number of certifications in the security industry including the CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), the CCSK (Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge), and the CRL (Certified Registered Locksmith). I’ve studied criminal justice and law enforcement before taking a career in Fire-Life-Safety Systems and Electronic Access-Control, working in both Chicago and Minnesota for a local Twin Cities Systems Integrator. I picked up a lot of knowledge of the locksmith trade during these early years. As technology evolved, these systems became connected just as the Internet was being born in the early 90’s. Throughout the 90’s and 2000’s, I started and operated a medium sized ISP (Internet Service Provider) until I entered the consulting business protecting Enterprise Computer and Information Systems. Before the term Cyber was used, we called the field “Information Assurance”. My entire life I’ve been in the “Trust” business, protecting life and property through technology.

As the owner of a new vehicle, clearly the future has us driving around inside computers with wheels. My pickup truck has 37 computers on board. I learned quickly that even the dealerships are not quite up the speed with the technology they are asked to support and as most people know, they are a bit expensive!

With my electrical engineering, computer security, and locksmith skills, I aim to be your trusted provider of automotive technology and security solutions. From updating the map in your car, applying software patches to your cars computers, to duplicating keys (even those that don’t work or look like keys as we used to know them), I’m your skilled, technology aware, automotive software and security resource.